Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Just in case i get hit by a bus or something...

I, the undersigned, Joshua Jon Doan make my last Will and Testament as follows:

I hereby expressly revoke all other wills, codicils and legacies predating the present Will. Without prejudice to the foregoing, all other wills.

For the most part I dont give a shit what you do with my body because Ill be dead. Do what you want. Have a blast. If one of my family or friends want to have a funeral for me, thats fine. One thing though: Absolutely no Christian shit. Snakes can't talk and that's the end of it. I dont want friends or family putting a bunch of religious nonsense on me when I cant defend myself. Dont even mention a higher power. In fact, if youre a religious person you cant believe that I went to your heaven or that Im energy now or that Ive been reincarnated. You have to believe that Im just dead.

I would like to be burried in Becky's 'detroit: where the weak are killed and eaten' tee shirt.

I leave all my assets and movables at the time of my death or thereafter descend to my estate, to Dangerous David Wiseman except for the following:

My cowboy belt which I leave to Joe Morato at his request.

All my books go to my sister, Stephanie Rose Doan. I know it'll be a bitch to mail all that stuff out to wherever she lives, but get it done.

David can dole out the rest of my belongings as he sees fit. Also, Christian has to help him move stuff with his truck if he needs it.

Upate - Now fools are demanding to be included so here are a few amendments.

Megan - you get my red fondue pot, but you have to promise to have a fondue party with all of my friends 3 weeks after Im dead.

Christian - Anything i've ever written in paper or on my computer.

Bennett - At your request you get my Nintendo Game Cube.

Michelle - My dollar store red cups

Becky - To you i leave a cold glass of 'Shut the hell up!'

JL - You get any cats under the age of one year that i may have at the time of my death. You do not get my guitar.

Finding my family to tell them what happened may be tricky. I dont have my Father or Mothers phone numbers. I only speak to them through instant messages once in a while. The best thing to do would be to try and figure out my AIM password and reach them that way. I'm pretty sure David knows the password.

Signed at Berkeley, California this August 17th 2005

Joshua Jon Doan

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